
These are all the courses that you have access to. Is something missing? Go to the Register page to sign up for something different.


Getting Started with HIFIS

This course is a beginner’s introduction to HIFIS 4. In just over an hour, this course covers accessing HIFIS and getting oriented to the layout, as well as understanding client files, communications, and reports: basic information that almost every HIFIS user should know.


HIFIS Overview & Coordinated Access

Are you a system-level manager or an executive director and trying to get a handle on how this whole HIFIS thing works? This course gives you the big picture of HIFIS, covering the whats, the whys, and the hows. What are your obligations under Reaching Home? Why should you be bothering to get your staff to do data entry? How can this system benefit you? This course answers these questions and more.


Shelter Worker Training

This course provides standard training for Shelter Workers in Nova Scotia + PEI. In 3 hours of content, it covers: logging in and accessing HIFIS; adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions; and running reports.


Shelter Diversion/Motel Stays Training

This course provides training for staff in Nova Scotia and PEI whose primary role is to provide shelter diversion to clients, such as under the SDS program. In under 3 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; the diversion module; shelter operations; providing goods and services; the housing loss prevention module; turnaways, and service restrictions.


Shelter-Based Case Manager Training

This course provides standard training for shelter-based case managers in Nova Scotia + PEI. In 4 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; shelter operations; case management; providing goods and group activities; the VI-SPDAT and SPDAT assessments; incidents, turnaways, and service restrictions.


Housing Support & Case Management Training

This course provides standard training for Housing Support & Case Management Workers in Nova Scotia + PEI. In 3.5 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; the housing search process; housing loss prevention; SPDAT assessments; goods, and financial assistance.


Supportive Housing Worker Training (Interim)

This course provides standard training for staff working at Supportive Housing Programs. In 2.5 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, financial and health information, and other client information; case management; VAT & SPDAT assessments; and appointments.


Outreach ICM Training (Interim)

This course provides standard training for outreach staff who do deliver professional, intensive case management. In 2.5 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; case management; the VI-SPDAT, SPDAT, and VAT assessments; providing goods and services; and outreach mapping.


Day Program Worker Training

This course provides standard training for staff who provide light touch services to clients. In 2 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; providing goods, services, and group activities; the VI-SPDAT assessment; incidents; and service restrictions.


Shelter Supervisor Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for shelter staff who also perform supervisory functions. It includes: managing shelter beds; and some light administrative tasks.


Supervisor Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for supervisors. It includes: the directory of services; people; and some light administrative tasks.


Diversion Add-On Training

This course includes additional training for staff who use HIFIS for diversion. Because this is a newer module, it's not part of the core training for any of our other roles yet, so this is intended as a supplement to other training.


Prevention/Diversion Worker Training

This course provides standard training for prevention and diversion workers in Nova Scotia and PEI. In 2.5 hours of content, it covers: adding clients, consent, families, and other client information; diversion; housing loss prevention; providing goods and services; and turnaways.